
Mod Pack installation

For our current mod packs we are using Fabric (for 1.18.2) and Forge (for 1.16.5). Follow this guide, which includes recommendations for a smooth installation using mod managers like CurseForge and Prism Launcher.

Why Use a Separate Installation?

It’s recommended to create a separate Minecraft installation for Fabric to avoid conflicts with vanilla or other modded profiles and mod packs.

Step 1: Install Minecraft

Ensure Minecraft is installed on your system. If not, download it from the official Minecraft website. You must own a copy of Minecraft.

Mod managers like CurseForge or Prism Launcher can greatly simplify the installation and management of mods and mod loaders.

  • CurseForge: Download and install CurseForge from CurseForge website. It allows you to create custom profiles, each with its own set of mods and Minecraft versions, directly from its interface.
  • Prism Launcher: Prism Launcher (formerly GDLauncher) is another user-friendly option available from the Prism Launcher website. It offers similar profile management with an intuitive interface.

Step 3: Download and Install Fabric

After choosing your mod manager:

  • Within CurseForge, click ‘Create Custom Profile’, name it for [Server Name], select the Minecraft version you need, and then select ‘Fabric’ from the Version dropdown. CurseForge will handle the rest.
  • For Prism Launcher, create a new instance, select ‘Fabric’, and choose your Minecraft version. Prism Launcher will set up everything for you.

Step 4: Download Fabric Mods

You will need to download the mods zip file (link can be found on our Discord) and extract the contents, then place all mod files into your minecraft instance’s mod folder. Your mod manager should allow you to easily open the instances directory.

Step 5: Verify Your Installation

Run your Fabric profile through the mod manager to ensure it loads correctly. It should launch without problems. At this point you can add your own client side only mods, such as 3D Skin Layers, installing or removing mods that must be present on client and server, such as Create will prevent you from joining the server.

Stay up to date with changes in the mod pack by picking the @announcements role on Discord or downloading my Mod Pack Checker mod.

Joining [Server Name]

With Fabric and your mods installed, you’re ready to enjoy [Server Name]. Remember, modding should enhance your experience, not complicate it. If you run into any issues, ask for help on Discord.

See you in-game!

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